A Simulation Study of Ageing and Pensions in the Ukraine
Olga Tofaniuk - National Aerospace University
Date: November 13, 2024
Time: 12:30
Location: Faculty of Technical Education Former Building, A301
Assoc. Prof. Olga Tofaniuk graduated in 2002 from National Aerospace University “KhAI” (Ukraine), Faculty of Economics and Management with a Master degree in Finance. In 2011 she completed her PhD thesis with a titled “Overcoming problem regions depression by reduction of regional development disproportions”. Prof. Olga Tofaniuk conducted researches at the Public Finance Chair, University Würzburg (Germany) in 2015 on topic “The fiscal equalization system in Germany and Ukraine” and during 2022-2024 on topic “Demographic change and the Ukrainian pension system – A quantitative analysis”. Currently she working as a lecturer at National Aerospace University “KhAI”, Faculty of Software Engineering and Business, Chair of Management and Business Administration. Prof. Tofaniuk’s main area of interest is European integration, economics of demographic transition, tax and pension reforms simulation models.
Olga Tofaniuk gave a presentation on pension reforms in Ukraine and their potential economic impact on the budget. She also presented various scenarios on the impact of reforms on intergenerational relations and welfare in Ukraine, a country with a rapidly ageing population. In addition to her presentation, the cooperation between the organisations she works for and our university was discussed.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-8832-1381.