Social Research

Head of the Social Research Department
Asst. Prof. M. Fuat Kına

Knowledge of research methods in social sciences is one of the cornerstones of creating a solid and reliable foundation in the world of science. A good understanding and correct application of research methods enables social problems to be approached systematically, data to be collected correctly, and the results obtained to be evaluated in a meaningful context. Thus, it contributes to the production of valid and reliable information in social sciences that complies with universal standards. The Social Research Department, which is aimed to be established within the Marmara University Population and Social Research Institute, aims to train experts in collecting, analyzing and interpreting scientific data using quantitative and qualitative research methods in the field of social sciences in order to increase the quality of research conducted in the field of social sciences and strengthen competitiveness at the international level. .In order to understand the crises faced by societies at the international level and to produce solutions, new research methods and techniques that use technology more actively are constantly being developed in social sciences. In addition to following world trends through modern and dynamic education and training units, combining new methods with the national school is very important for the development of social sciences in our country. The Department of Social Research will make great contributions to understanding local problems along with global problems, eliminating the deficiencies encountered in research and increasing our country's potential in social sciences by focusing on Turkey's unique needs.Istanbul offers a diverse and rich research area in social sciences as it is the intersection of different cultures, social structures and economic relations. Marmara University's structure suitable for national and international collaborations, its technical and human resources, and its ability to look at the subject from a broad perspective by incorporating many disciplines, constitute the appropriate infrastructure for the establishment of the Department of Social Research.


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