Employment Dimension of Green Transformation in Europe


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Employment Dimension of Green Transformation in Europe

Prof. Dr. Aslan Tolga Öcal


Date: March 5, 2024

Time: 14:00

Location: PSP A301 (Faculty of Technical Education Former Building)



Environmental destruction that started with the Industrial Revolution is the main cause of the climate crisis today. One of the most important consequences of the climate crisis has been the introduction of the concept of green transformation into our lives. The European Green Deal, which was added to long-standing international agreements in December 2019, directs the green transformation. With the green transformation, the concept of green jobs has come to the fore and this concept needs to be carefully examined in terms of future employment. Green jobs, which are expected to rise in the coming years and aim to develop the necessary skills and qualifications, will be discussed in the context of the prominent energy and agriculture sectors and the circular economy. Another discussed issue after the European Green Agreement is the Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism within the scope of a just transition and its possible effects on our country. An evaluation will be made regarding this process.


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