The German Education System: Insights into Student Life and Sociopolitical Realities

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The German Education System: Insights into Student Life and Sociopolitical Realities

Eda Baripoğlu - University of Duisburg-Essen, Political Science


Date: April 29, 2024

Time: 14:00

Location: Faculty of Technical Education Former Building, A301


We had a productive meeting with Eda Baripoğlu from the Department of Politics at the University of Duisburg-Essen on the German education system. Baripoğlu shared her own experiences and gave information about the high school and university system in his speech. She stated that in Germany, students’ careers are determined during their high school years. Emphasizing the sharp distinction in the high school system, the speaker said that not only theoretical education is provided in the German education system, but also the number of people graduating from vocational high schools is quite high. It was said that students have the right to take two university entrance exams and if they cannot pass both exams, they cannot take the exam again in the same state. Undergraduate education in Germany usually takes three or four years. Since most students work, there is no obligation to attend classes. However, students have the right to three exams for each course. If the student fails all three exams, s/he cannot study that department in Germany again. In the presentation, information was also given about the problems in the education system. It was discussed how increasing anti-immigrant sentiment affects international students and Muslim students. Baripoğlu also underlined that the social environment in Germany is more distant compared to Turkey, and the interaction of students in Turkey with each other and with their professors is much closer.


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